Rewired Mavericks Private Limited

Avoid the Stone-Deaf Celebrity Influencers: Whom should B2B leads pitch for?

influencer marketing trends

There is a tremendous trend of Insta’ influencers who are all set to grow bigger by mid- 2024. What does that mean for B2B marketing? Can Influencer Marketing strategies lead the B2B landscape to victory? It has taken time for this sector to embrace or even grab the essence of this slice to get leads.

If you are kicked about it and would like to try out these ideas don’t forget to team up with the right digital marketing agency. This post explains how it can be done deftly. 

PS: There is no need to sign celebs, your audience is stone-deaf to them. They make the money not you.

Celebs no longer cut the ice with target groups

Across many industries, 94% said influencer marketing is an effective campaign strategy. Building valuable relationships with influencers bring traffic and leads. Celebrities Vs Influential People – Followers prefer the latter for a good reason. Celebs do it for the money. In case of influential people, they are well versed, do research and have a holistic view on the subject. They sign contracts and become affiliates only on the basis of the passion for the subject and not only for the money.

Influencer marketing is a segment that has grown exponentially in the last 3 years. It has emerged as a powerful method of marketing and advertising globally. It goes beyond the use of celebrities, sports stars and rock stars endorsing products, events and concerts. 

Amongst the most powerful influencers that we now come across are motivational speakers, leaders, avid bloggers and experts in various fields including B2B sector. The digital platform has given birth to several influential personalities who we follow.

Influencer Marketing is a well proven segment that brings revenues and recognition on the desired platform. Its biggest advantage is the focus and captivating the target audiences in a snap. The influencer is well respected and if he/she endorses a product or service, they have blind followers. Most social media marketing is now focused on using this segment.

Consumers trust recommendations from other people - even someone they dont know - over brand content
Consumers reported online customer reviews as the second most trusted source.
Readers consult blogs for finding new trends and ideas.
Readers look for blogs for discovering new products
Women active on social media are motivated to consider products promoted by bloggers they know.

There are advertising agencies that work exclusively with people who have a large following on social media. Large events can safely be promoted to a wider audience through the right influencer.

Once you have chosen the marketing company to collaborate with you can do the following to opt for the right influencer:

  1. Choose nano or micro influencers to work with. They are your best bet as they are peers who are respected within the industry. Make a campaign involving this peer or reputed person. This partnership also matches the budget.
  2. The marketing leads will further depend on the right person. Therefore, keep these points in mind:


Number of followers across geographical boundaries.

relevance 1


Choosing an influencer with the highest number of followers across platforms is not the only criterion for signing up. Relevance to the campaign is most important.

expertise 1


A well-researched and knowledgeable person will be admired for the intricacies of the subject.



Is the person well-liked by the followers? An acerbic person may alienate your campaign with the potential customers.

Steps to succeed in B2B landscape
  • Make a clear roadmap or a strategy for the campaign.
  • Determine KPIs, audience target in various locations- (local and global).
  • Locate social media channels of key influencers in your industry and sectors you wish to target.
  • Have a publishing schedule for each influencer to determine the course.
  • Vet each influencer – mix of different channels, use mobile channels, create a quick app for it.
  • Share campaign brief, negotiate rates and contracts for clarity.
  • Content strategy for each, blogs, topics to cover, history of event/rally, current USP.
  • Publish, amplify and optimization with other channels.
  • Report and analysis to be presented for each location.

Tapping social media marketing with IM

Influencers spread awareness and have update knowledge about their expertise. This ensures their social media handles are active and have constant flow of followers.

The right techniques will propel your marketing campaign by:

  • Being visible to maximum people you target
  • Personal interest make others sit up and notice the content.
  • An impactful initiative brings quicker responses and call-to-action – hence, there are impressive lead generators and provide better conversions opportunities.
  • Transparency & creative freedom brings better results.
  • Optimized content and measurable results add value to the campaigns.

Armed with this information you can pitch and get new angles to get impressive leads. Or let Rewired Mavericks be your social media business guide to leverage this platform. Connect with us today! We are just a click away: